CSE Deptt. of UGI organised an Industrial Visit by Infowiz, Chandigarh on 13 Feb. 2015.

Company Name : INFOWIZ, sec 34 A Chandigarh.
Organized by : Er.Bandanjot(Asst.Prof.-CSE Dept )
Mr. Ravi Pratap Singh( Asst.TPO)
About the Company : Infowiz, Chandigarh is an ISO 9001 Certified Software Solution based Company deals in the field of Web Designing, Java, PHP, Dot Net & Android. Infowiz is the mission, which is working for the promotion of latest technologies in India & Abroad.
Objective : The visit was designed to:
- Give students How to apply the Technologies in Real Application
- Learning the Combination of Hardware and Software .
- Introduction to, PHP, Dot Net, Java &
- How to work in Company Environment.
Abstract : In INFOWIZ, Chandigarh Students of Cse-6th & 4th, BCA -4th &6th went for industrial visit which included a motivational presentation , introducing students with what today IT Companies require and to how to apply their knowledge in real world.
In INFOWIZ the presentation was represented by Mr Munish who gave introduction to many latest Technologies: Java, PHP, .Dot Net & Android. Then he shared his experience of being working in a IT company ,what challenges he faced, what all he learnt during his working experience. Students were encouraged to ask questions and discuss topics.
Students activity : At the end of the visit,
Students learnt a lot about the new latest technologies and looking ahead to work on them in future.