Civil Engg. deptt. of UIET organized a workshop training in MONGA RETALTORS Private limited on 25th Feb. 2015.

Technical workshop(Monga Realtors Private limited)
The main objective this Technical Workshop is to learn how the column and beam are cast . and how reinforcement is done in any type of structure.
Civil Engineering department conduct a technical workshop in Monga Realtors private limited Kharar. In this valuable workshop Mr. K.P Singh guide the students about the reinforcements in column, beams and slabs.
Details of the Event:
- 50 Students have participated in this workshop. Mr. Mandeep Sharma accompanied the sudents.
- This work shop has been conducted by Monga Realtors Private limited
- k.p singh guide the students.
- In this workshop, students were made to learn about bar bending schedule done in column and slabs.
- K.P. Singh discussed many problems occurance while renforcement.
The students were made aware about the;
- Strength of concrete
- Grade of concrete normally used in construction for providing maximum strength to the structure.
- Use of Reinforcement in slab.
- Field environment.
One day workshop for civil engineering students really encouraged them to know the actual environment and the working culture of the project.