ECE, EE & CSE Deptt. organised a Quiz Competition on 16 March 2015.

Technical Quiz
Organized by: CSE, ECE, EE department
The event was organised to:
- To check the understanding level of students about technical knowledge.
- To encourage students to participate in quizzes.
The event started at 2:00 PM . There were five teams each consisting of three students. There were five rounds and with each round one time got eliminated. Students showed enthusiasm for the quiz and participated with zeal. They answered the questions and audience encouraged them. Each team had members from Computer Science, Electronics and Electrical department.
Following teams secured position in the end:
First position: Team 3 (Avadhesh, Amninder, Ishfaq)
Second position: Team 2 (Shaista, Avinash, Vijay)
Marking the end of the event, our worthy Director Sir distributed Certificates to all the Winner participants.It gave immense pleasure and encouraged the participants.