ME Deptt. of UIET organised a Technical Guest Lecture on Latest trends in Manufacturing

A "Technical Guest Lecture" was organised for the students of Mechanical Engineering on 09/03/2016 from 11:30 – 13:30 hrs at Seminar Hall, UIET, Lalru. Dr. H. K. Kansal, Professor & Head, University Institute of Engineering & Technology, Panjab University, Chandigarh was the resource person. The programme commenced with the welcome address given by Er. Munish Kainth, COD, Mechanical Engineering Department. After that the Resource Person gave his presentation on the topic “Latest trends in Manufacturing”.
Dr. Kansal started with the concept of Nano-Technology and the application areas of this technology. After that he described the role of non-conventional machining methods in latest trends of manufacturing. He enlightened the various non-conventional machining methods which are used for the manufacturing of very small sized mechanical parts and complex shapes with suitable examples. The students found the session to be highly informative and useful. The programme was ended with vote of thanks by Er. Sandeep Singh Sangwan, HOD, Mechanical Engineering Department.