Applied Science Department of UIET organized a guest lecture on 10th March, 2016

Applied Science Department of Universal Institution of Engineering and Technology, Lalru organized a guest lecture by Mr. Surinder Singh, Astt. Prof. Panjab University, Chandigarh on 10th March, 2016 in the seminar hall. Mr. Surinder Singh gave a brilliant lecture on “Technology, Toxic Footprints of ICTs and Remedial Measures”.
The Objective of the lecture was to give insights on toxic footprints/disadvantages of ICT technologies from environmental point of view along with its beneficial aspects and how to use technology efficiently and safely. H.O.D Applied Science Mr. Vikas Sharma and its faculty members were present on the occasion. The lecture started off with emphasis on the need to overcome the hazardous effect of technology on human life. He gave a power point presentation on the topic to the students. During presentation he talked about the burning issue of ‘e-waste’ in detail. The lecture was wrapped with the purpose to motivate the students and to give them a kaleidoscopic view of invention in the field of science and technology. He added that ‘innovation’ is the need of time and students must be innovative in their ideas to tackle the current issues. For it, we must identify the ‘gap’ in technology and its uses and work on it.
Further, he added that the problem of e-waste is mounting high and for a sustainable growth we must spread awareness about ‘Reuse, Reduce, Recycle’. As an outcome of the lecture , the students came to know about using technology efficiently and safely. At last, Mr. Vikas Sharma gave a vote of thanks to our guest and all present.