UGI in association with Videocon Telecom organized Technical Session and inaugurated the college club Ojas on 3 rd November 2017

In order to inculcate a technical aspect among the students Universal Group of Institutions in association with Videocon Telecom is organized "Technical Session" on 3 rd Nov. 2017. The topic of the session will be "Wireless Communication". The program was specially designed for the engineering students, who want to build their career in the field of Telecommunication followed by the inauguration of the college Club- Ojas.
Shri. R.K Kapoor, Dean Training and Placement welcomed, Mr. S. Nagarajan (Deputy General Manager) and Mr. Sunil from Videocon Telecom. Mr. S. Nagarajan started the session with a brief overview of the uses of the application of WiFi; delivering his speech he pointed the various uses and function of WiFi in Civil Society and in corporate world. In his PPT he described the entire process of the flow of Telecom and WiFi.
The session was followed by the Inauguration of the College Club- Ojas. Briefing about the club, the club Secretary and Media Coordinator: Mr. Ravi Pratap Singh (Assistant Training & Placement Officer) stated that the vision of the club is to provide opportunities for students to pursue their personal, professional and academic goals in student-led organizations. The session concluded with the vote of thanks by Ms. Priyanka Patiyal, Asst. Prof. Applied Science, UIET to the team of Videocon.